This blog is currently under construction by the Lord.
I am praying and looking for a new direction to take with it ... I have gotten many emails from those that follow the Reflection Verses and I appreciate all of your support - thank you all from the bottom of my heart!
I have a few personal matters that I feel the Lord wants me to tend to first and I must obey Him.
I look forward to updating you all soon with more information and a new direction.
Till then look back through the older post and keep reading God's Word daily.
Faithfully in Christ, AutiMama
Thanks for entering the Names of Jesus garland at my blog, I wanted to let you know that Monica is still taking orders for her garlands, just contact her personally on her blog-The Homespun Heart.
Many thanks...
Good morning!
I saw your comment over on A Wise Woman this morning and wanted to let you know that God has provided a friend to help me - if you are still interested in ordering a garland, please e-mail me at thehomespunheart (at) hotmail (dot) com!
Thank you so much,
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